On this first photo above, you can see Area 6 being stitched. Lower right left corner is all completed and you can see the first step of the burden stitch having already been done in the other three corners using a vatican gold metallic thread.
It is now 87.6 degrees outside and it is barely 9:20 in the morning, so we can expect to get close to 100 degrees again today, so I am not a happy camper.
For those of you who have not yet associated my first name "Pierrette" with my place of origin, I am French Canadian and have lived a big part of my life in the French province of Quebec in Canada.
Temperatures used to be much cooler up there, but things are slowly changing and getting warmer in most places these days, except of course in England where my good friend Terry lives and always complains that she is freezing and has no summer to speak of. If I could I would switch place with her anytime as I love it when it is cool. I used to spend my summers outdoors when living in Quebec and now since I have been living in the deep South (USA), I spend my summers inside with my air conditioning and I hate it. I feel that things are not supposed to be this way. Fall and summer are pretty good though, but it is not quite the same, but I will take whatever I can :-)
Better go back to my stitching before it gets too hot again.
Pierrette =^..^=
Its looking good and the corners where you have started the burden stitch also look really pretty and rather dainty.
Today here in the UK its been a mixed bag for the weather a few showers and some brillent sunshine and also some periods of overcast and really dull and it was so cold earlier this afternoon I had to light the fire, at the moment the evening sun is out but the sky in the distance is very black but its warmed up a little but I have got wooly socks on and a fleece jacket but have been able to turn the fire off.
If it was as hot here as you have it I doubt if I would be able to get anything done at all as that sort of heat I find just drains me and I sould not dare to go out incase I got sunburnt
This is just wonderful...thanks for sharing!
Thanks for your comment, P!=)
You've been doing a good amount of stitching yourself of late - making up for lost time through illness earlier on, I see.=) Good for you!
Well, I have to disagree about British weather. It's really not that bad at all and we've had some lovely weatehr over the last month. Not every day, but does it have to be glorious every day?? I often marvel at neighbours who moan that 'it's not very summery' and then remind them that it is actually only early May, or that it's late September already!!! And if it IS hot, all we do is complain about *that*.... Sigh!
Your Persian Fantasy is beautiful, I can't wait to see it finished.
I am in Devon in the SW of the UK and it is nearly tea time and it is 80 deg, too hot for me like you.
Hi Terry,
There is such a tremendous difference in temperatures between the two of us as times, mostly summers. Wish we could split it in two, that should make an acceptable average :-)
Pierrette =^..^=
Thanks, Pat :-)
Pierrette =^..^=
You have been doing more stitching yourself too from what I saw on your blog lately :-)
It may depend on which part of England that you are living. Sometimes there are big differences between one section of the country and the others.
I love cool weather myself, so anything hot is not to my liking.
Pierrette =^..^=
Hi Dawn,
80 is too hot for me too. Ideal temperature for me is somewhere between 60 and 75. Any higher than that and I get sluggish.
Pierrette =^..^=
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