I had the pleasure to make a few trips to England, but unfortunately it was before I met Terry who lives there. While sightseeing across the country I saw those gorgeous cottages and I absolutely fell in love with them. Whenever I was thinking of what I would like to have if I could have that "special" house/home, I was thinking of them.
Terry and I often talked about them and she had already stitched three of them for herself and decided that she would stitch one for me and she made this very beautiful one as a birthday gift. It did not take us long after I received it to bring it to our framer and have her do her magic again with Terry's beautiful cottage and here is the result.
I have it hanging on a wall in my office/stitching room. It is on the wall opposite one of the window and the light reflecting on it makes it almost seems like it is real and someone is actually living there. That someone is "me" when I daydream :-)
Pierrette =^..^=