I have been giving it a lot of thought the last few days and I think that I may have found the ideal rotation for me. This ideal rotation will include projects of different techniques. I will continue working on my already started needlepoint projects of course and will be adding other techniques to them. The first two I have selected will be about Brazilian Embroidery. I will also be adding along the way pulled thread, silk ribbon, needle painting, stumpwork, blackwork, temari projects to name only a few. That should keep me on my toes :-)
The second brazilian embroidery project that I will be working on is called "Five Flower Sampler", which is a Delma Moore Design for Blackberry Lane. Design size is 20 cm by 21 cm, which for us here in the USA makes it approximately 7.5" by 8".
I always prepare my threads and put them inside their special plastic container. Can't recall the exact name for those. When I start stitching I don't like to have to stop each time I need a new color thread.
I have not done much Brazilian embroidery in the past, so hopefully this will really get me started on my way as I have other lovely projects waiting in the wings :-)
As soon as I decide on my other projects, I will take some photos and also get started on them.
Pierrette =^..^=