Saturday, August 22, 2009

Windows into my Heart with doubled fabric covered mats

First photo above showing a side view and second photo below showing a front view.

I just got Windows into my Heart from our framer with two fabric covered mats instead of the uncovered one I had before. I think it makes a big difference.
Don't look at the wallpaper behind as Windows into my Heart is not going to stay there but I found out that it is one of the best place for me to photograph my frames as I almost always have glass over my finished pieces.
Still working on Terra Rosa but making slow progress, so I won't be able to post anything about it today, but hopefully tomorrow. To make things worst, just cut myself on the right tumb and had to put a small Band-Aid, which is not very conducive to good stitching :-(
Pierrette =^..^=


Terry said...

WOW what an imporovement lifts the whole framing to a different level

This change is great, mind you not sure about the wallpaper ROFL

Mary said...

Really pretty!

NCPat said...

That is the glory this piece deserved! Nice choices!!

Lisa said...

The double mat really does make a difference. Now the heart "pops", whereas with the single mat it seemed flat. Good choice on sending it back for the change.
Take care!

Love to Stitch 99 said...


I agree, it does make quite a bit of difference with two mats.

Stop teasing me about the wallpaper.

That is a lovely lovely wallpaper and I love it ............. but it does not go too well with my heart now, does it? (grinning)

Pierrette =^..^=

Love to Stitch 99 said...

Hi Mary,

Thanks :-)

Pierrette =^..^=

Love to Stitch 99 said...

Hi Pat,

I agree with you. That is such a lovely design, quite unique too :-)

Pierrette =^..^=

Love to Stitch 99 said...

Hi Lisa,

I could not have said it better myself :-)

Pierrette =^..^=