As far as I know Loretta Spears has designed 14 mysteries in her series and this one is Mystery #13, also called Superstition. Been wondering why Loretta called this one Superstition and must confess that I have not been able to come up with any clues, except that perhaps she never thought that she would get that far in her series, but that is all speculation from my part.
This was an absolutely fantastic experience to stitch this gorgeous project, which had in addition to needlepoint which of course was to be expected, pulled thread and beading.
The project measures 5 inches square, so it would probably go nicely in a box cover, but I will have this little jewel framed. Loretta suggests to put some silver lame under the piece before finishing. That will add even more sparkles than it already has.
I have also added a photograph of the only other piece I have stitched from Loretta this far. This one has not been blogged as it was stitched before my blogging days.

I have been lucky enough to get both kits with original threads.
I am still on a "high" from having stitched Superstition (smiling). I can't say it enough, this was such a beautiful project, with full of surprises at each steps along the way.
I can't wait to see what my husband and framer will come up for this piece. They are quite a team at finding just the perfect frame and mat, so I always let them surprise me with it and have not been disappointed yet.
Pierrette =^..^=
Lovely, Pierette. I suspect that since this is the 13th mystery and 13 is considered an unlucky number, the designer choose the name with this in mind. Just an idea.
Can't wait to see this little jewel framed!
I always tend to search for some deep reasons for a name when most of the time it is something very simple (grinning)
Pierrette =^..^=
Superstition is because its number 13 and some people are wary of the number 13 like with Friday the 13th and not walking under ladders etc.
This has turned out beautifully and look forward to seeing it with the silver lame behind it also how you will decided to mount and frame it.
Well done for a speedy and delightfully stitched project
Pierrette, this could not have turned out more beautiful. An exquisite job, you and Mrs. Spears are a good team. I agree with the others about the number 13 being behind the name of the project.
I have had Bargello Fantasy in my stash for a number of years (ca.1991 Yikes)and even purchased the materials for it, had the congress cloth taped and ready to go. I've had it so long that some of the threads used, such as DMC Flower Thread is no longer being made! It has always been one of my favorite bargello designs. Thanks for sharing your Symphany piece, it's very lovely too.
What a lovely piece! I have enjoyed watching each step that you have completed and reading about the journey. Thank you for taking me along.
Hi Pierrette,
Congratulations on another finish!
I started grinning when I was reading your comment about why it was called "Superstition" and then started laughing when I saw the replies and your answers. :-)
Windy Meadow
It's just gorgeous! Congratulations!
Absolut fantastic! I´ve never seen anything like that.
It is not in my habit to go for the simple, obvious explaination. For some reason I always try to find a deep reason for whatever.
Could very well be that people are superstitious about number 13, though I am not, even on a Friday 13 and even with black cats and even with ladders, etc, well you get the point (grinning)
Pierrette =^..^=
Front Range,
You absolutely need to get out your Bargello Symphony and stitch it. You will be so happy that you did when it is hanging on your wall.
Pierrette =^..^=
Thanks for being part of this journey with your comments :-)
Pierrette =^..^=
Yes, you are right, you got me giggling now too :-)
Pierrette =^..^=
Christine & Maria,
Thanks for your lovely comments.
Pierrette =^..^=
I have Loretta's Mystery Pattern #2 half finished. My arthritis caught up with my 35 years of stitching. I would be happy to send it to you free if you would like it. It is ice blue and silver, very pretty. I even met Lorretta when I bought it some time ago. I have all the instructions and threads.
Let me know
Could you please write me directly from your email address and not on my blog as when I receive your message, I do not receive any email address with it for me to get back in touch with you.
Pierrette =^..^=
Here's my email address
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